Zen: A state of calm attentiveness in which one’s actions are guided by intuition rather than conscious effort.

(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Weave: To form by combining various elements or details into a connected whole.


We all have life events, present and/or past, that can leave us with too much stress, pain, worry or heartache. For me, creating beautiful things with wool, silk, alpaca, bamboo and other fibers brings a calm, centered and meditative state. The sensory process that includes touching fiber, seeing the colors, hearing quiet but rhythmic sounds of the loom, wheel, or needles, and smelling lanolin from fleeces in the studio all add to a gentle, mindful and creative experience.

At ZENWEAVE, I would like to share with you the healing and well being that can be attained from the process of weaving and other fiber arts. No knowledge of art or fiber art is necessary, just an interest in wellness. The experience at ZENWEAVE will be tailored to your individual needs and interests and for the activities offered, there is no daunting learning curve. The goal is in the simplicity of the process not the complexity of the product.

As a trained Clinical Social Worker with more than 25 years of experience as a psychotherapist, I wish to share this and I bring to it my knowledge and experience with the materials, but more importantly, empathy, concern and ability to support healing and a therapeutic process.

Meet Lisa

I am an experienced psychotherapist (licensed clinical social worker) with 35 years in practice and have worked with children, adolescents and adults. My training includes an MSW at Smith College, post graduate work at Yale, and an advanced certificate at Smith College. My orientation is psychodynamic, relational and trauma informed. I am also an artist and a farmer. Mostly I work with wool and textiles. My sheep and goats provide some of the fleece which I spin to yarn, dye or felt. I weave the yarn, sometimes incorporating found objects- driftwood, river rocks, rusty metal, etc.

My studio is in my home, a converted 1880's cider and vinegar mill. It is huge & light filled and has a great variety of color and texture that offers many possibilities for creativity and play. My work is done through a slow process using my hands to create things of beauty and meaning. It heals pain and provides comfort. I wish to share this experience with others. ZENWEAVE is a place to feel safe + supported so one can learn, play, connect with people + animals, and make things. One does not need to be an artist or have experience with art or the materials, just an interest, a creative sprit, curiosity and a desire for connection. I understand that some will need support to feel safe enough to risk the vulnerability that comes with participation. My experience as a psychotherapist helps me to understand and provide help as needed. ZENWEAVE merges my interest in building, community for myself and others, connection with animals and nature and creative process to soothe distress and emotional disregulation.

View my work